Summary >>>

If you would like to try Text Coaching with me, you can contact me on:


or WhatsApp (+27) 79 287 2175

(Telegram is an awesome “messaging app with a focus on speed and security; it’s super-fast, simple and free”)

If you have read my About page, you will know that I have been teaching my 4 kids at “home” for over 13 years. We have had very (very) little finances over this period; I did not work from home or online while looking after my children at home, therefore we lived off of one salary from my husband’s work.

But despite not having much money, we have had plenty of exciting times, many incredible adventures, and the kids have all learnt so much from life and the very few resources that we have accumulated. 

I have tons of experience, loads of advice and heaps of information that I would like to share with you. I have not taught my children from a curriculum, but have chosen to rather let them learn from life and nature around them (while I guide them and watch over them). Books, videos and printouts have helped with this process, as well as various games, toys and DIYs.

I want to help other parents know how they can also teach their children how to enjoy learning, to think for themselves, and to grow strong within themselves, to withstand anything that this world throws at them.

I also want to guide parents as to how they can strengthen themselves to be able to take on this big (but incredibly important) task of teaching your own children, in your own space, the way that you want to or would like to.

The easiest way for me to do this with you is through Text Coaching.

You don’t need to get all dressed up for text coaching, and you do not need to even leave the comfort of your house. You can even participate in this form of coaching anonymously, which can make some feel safer and allow them to dig deeper into their concerns and the possible solutions.

During the text sessions we will:

  • discuss how to begin homeschooling if you are new to it,
  • look deeper into deschooling,
  • work through the ideas of Peaceful Parenting,
  • reach goals,
  • clear inner and outer obstacles,
  • navigate transitions,
  • answer any questions that you may have.

If you are interested, you need to complete this prep sheet below, so that both you and I can gather our thoughts to make the most of our time during our texting sessions. Or if you would rather ask me a few questions first, you can just complete the contact sections and I will message you back.

Text Coaching Form
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